Top 8 examples of Responsive Web Design for 2024

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When a website design offers a uniform desktop to mobile experience, we consider it responsive. Depending on the device and screen size being used to view it, a responsive website will change how it looks and includes interactive elements. These websites are based on an up-to-date technique called responsive web design (RWD), which changes pages according to the user’s screen size.

Using CSS, RWD provides a variety of style properties, such as typeface, images, and menus, that may be adjusted according to the viewing device’s size, direction, colors, and other features. In addition, CSS enables web pages to adjust based on the window width and website layout by making the best use of media queries and a device’s viewport, which is the area that is available on a screen.

Importance of Responsive Web Design

Using a responsive website has the following main advantages:

  • No additional costs for creating and maintaining up multiple versions.
  • Simple analytics reporting.
  • Fast loading of webpages.
  • Improved user experience.
  • Uniform visual experience.
  • Redirects are not necessary.
  • Reduced rates of bounce.
  • Reduced maintenance requirements.

Best Responsive Website Examples


Dropbox has created a remarkable responsive website by skillfully combining a passing grid and adaptable images. When switching from desktop to mobile devices, the image not only adjusts in layout but also in font color to match the background color.

Dropbox provides a customized experience on every device simply by taking context into account. For example, desktop users are directed to scroll down to view more content by a little arrow to avoid users bouncing. Since it is presumed that users will automatically scroll on a device having a touchscreen, handheld devices do not have the same arrow. Similar to this, their sign-up form is available on desktop computers, but due to limited available space on tablets and mobile devices, it is concealed behind a call-to-action button.


The user experience on Shopify is the same on all platforms. The only things that transformed from desktop to mobile devices were the visuals and the call-to-action button. The action link button appears to the right of the form field on desktops and tablets. On smartphones, it’s below. Similarly, on desktops and tablets, the images appear to the right of the text; on mobile devices, however, they are below the text.

Similar to the majority of websites, Shopify’s menu has been replaced by a hamburger icon for mobile users. It’s quite amazing that they can maintain a page load time of less than five seconds even though they showcase their customers using image carousels.


Slack’s brand is renowned for being approachable and genuine. Not surprisingly, their website sticks to the same criteria. A viewport of any size or shape can be effortlessly accommodated by their versatile grid. Customer logos are displayed in a single column on portable devices, but in a three column style on desktop and laptop PCs.

The Slack website is equally made to be user-friendly. To help visitors avoid clicking the “Sign in” hyperlink below, their call-to-action buttons, for example, cover the full row on tablets and mobile phones.


Treehouse provides a consistent user experience on all platforms. Their menus increase smaller on each device: mobile phones have a one-item menu and icon, tablets have a two-item menu and hamburger icon, and desktop and laptop computers have a four-item menu.

The same modification is made to their form fields. On desktop and laptop computers, they are displayed in two columns; on tablets and mobile phones, they are displayed in a single column.

Magic Leap:

The user experience offered by Magic Leap is uniform on all devices, with the exception of one. On tablets and desktop computers, microcopy encouraging users to scroll is present, while it is not on mobile devices, where scrolling is a natural tendency.

Magic Leap’s amazing graphics come to life on a straightforward, mobile-first website featuring seamless scrolling. Their strategy makes sense, considering that 56.74% of all internet consumption is currently done on mobile devices and tablets. Their website loads in just seven seconds, even with a 3G connection—much faster than the average of 22 seconds for the entire world. That’s not too bad for a website with responsive animation.

Smashing Magazine:

By providing a customized experience on all devices, Smashing Magazine goes above and beyond. One-column layout, a reduced menu, and a combination mark are available on desktop versions of their website; on tablets and mobile devices, these options are reduced. 

Another excellent example of inclusive design is the Smashing Magazine website. Desktop users see a menu with both labels and icons. And really appreciate how they chose to use a button for action with the phrase “menu” and a search icon in place of a basic menu icon. Certain generations of people may not understand what hamburger icons mean, but digital natives browse webpages with ease from their mobile devices. 

Additionally, their website runs in only two seconds on 3G-enabled smartphones, which according to the GSMA will account for 70% of mobile connections by 2020. By doing this, they are able to maintain a low bounce rate and avoid consumer frustration.


One of the main characteristics of responsive web design is its flexible grid, which reduces from five columns on laptops and desktops to two columns on tablets and mobile phones on the Dribbble website. Dribbble has taken down a few items from their website so that it doesn’t appear busy on smaller screens.

 For example, the view, comment, and like percentages are no longer grouped below each item, and shots are no longer acknowledged to their creator. The search bar has been eliminated, and the menu has been hidden behind a hamburger icon.


Content Management Systems (CMS) such as WordPress, Shopify, and others are publicly available systems that, similar to website builders, are easily manageable by nontechies.

Well-liked content management systems adjust to the needs of today’s online users. Even though these frameworks don’t have responsive behavior by default, theme developers for them take this into consideration and offer designs that are either fully or partially compatible with mobile devices.

Wrapping Up

We hope that this article clears up any confusion you may have about the importance of responsive web design. However, keep in mind that good websites are different from responsive websites.

Responsive Web Development helps to guarantee that visitors will see the same content on your site regardless of the search engine or device they use. However, web design is ultimately responsible for producing a satisfying user experience. You can go through the examples and decide which suits you the best.

About the author
Sumana Das

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